The NWGA’s annual Natural Gas Outlook seeks to provide insight into the Northwest’s natural gas market by aggregating publicly available data from our member companies and other key energy stakeholders. Read on for links to some of the key sources.
Regional Gas Outlook
In this study, we examine several dynamics affecting Pacific Northwest natural gas consumers. The Outlook relies primarily on external, publicly available resources for information on natural gas supply prospects and commodity prices. Regional demand and capacity data are drawn from NWGA member company planning processes, including the Integrated Resource Plan from each of our members that are required to file with utility commissions.
Integrated Resource Plans:
At regular intervals, each of the NWGA’s member utilities files a plan with their regulatory authority detailing different resource acquisition and demand scenarios. These Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) aim to minimize the overall costs of service while maintaining a very high level of dependability.
The key information in these plans, such as demand projections, regional system capacity and natural gas supply forms the basis for projections contained with the Natural Gas Outlook. Follow the links below to view each utility member’s most recent final IRP filing.
Natural Gas Facts
These resources provide an overview of natural gas and the myriad of benefits that this domestic, clean, safe, low-cost, dependable and abundant energy source offers Pacific Northwest (PNW) consumers. Already, 3.2 million regional natural gas users are enjoying its economic and environmental advantages, but expanding the use and applications of natural gas will help provide an economically feasible, cleaner environment for future generations.