Renewable hydrogen can be produced with electricity from excess wind, solar, and hydro energy that would otherwise go to waste, and then be distributed via existing natural gas infrastructure. Renewable hydrogen acts like battery storage for excess power, capturing the energy and storing it for when the wind isn’t blowing, and the sun isn’t shining. Europe, Canada, and the United States are all investing in renewable hydrogen. There are even emerging hydrogen partnerships right here in the Northwest. By continuing to use natural gas infrastructure, we can advance our renewable energy future faster and at a lower cost.
With 127,000 miles of efficient, safe, and reliable natural gas infrastructure in the Pacific Northwest, we’re recognized as one of the most modern energy systems in the world. It is our natural gas system that provides the critical foundation to advance renewable solutions that will decrease our climate impact. With recent advancements in technology, waste from farms, wastewater treatment plants, and landfills are being turned into renewable natural gas (RNG) that lowers emissions, much like wind and solar energy. This turns methane from organic waste into a powerful climate-friendly energy solution.